TV Wasteland

This activity allows teams to use their creativity and problem-solving skills while working together to create “the WORST television show ever.” This activity is best used in problem-solving skills and creativity workshops.

Approximately 60 minutes (time will depend upon the number of groups and the discussion afterwards).

Handouts for each group. Sheets of paper and pens for each group.

12 to 30 people divided into groups of four to seven.

Advise participants that they a re going to have an opportunity to creatively problem-solve. They will be divided into teams and each team will have the same problem to solve. They will have 45 minutes to come u p with as complete a solution as possible.

Divide the participants into teams and assign them places to work. Hand out instructions for Team A to each person in the first group; Team B instructions to the second group; Team C instructions to the third group. If there are more than three groups, have two Team A’s, B’s, C’s.

Have participants read their instructions. Make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do. Start timing.

At 30 minutes, advise teams that they have 15 more minutes. At 40 minutes, advise groups that they only have 5 more minutes. Call time at 45 minutes.

Reassemble the teams in one location. Have each team choose a spokesperson to describe their “worst ever” TV show.

Ask the group to comment on the other team’s ideas. Ask each group to describe the process (or lack of a process) that they used to com e up with solutions. Ask the participants whether they felt that the process helped them in obtaining a creative solution to the problem, or hinder ed them.

Brainstorming is not always the best way to come up with a creative solution. Some people may be shy. Politics may influence whose ideas are given more weight. Many people of ten believe that structure cuts down on creativity. However, a structured problem-solving method such as that used by Team B can be successfully used to generate novel solutions. It also works in situations where members can’t meet (use email to distribute ideas). Lead into a discussion of various creative problem-solving methods.

Team A Instructions

You work for a new, small television company that wants to break into the big time by having a hit. You realize that people expect the good shows to be on at 9:00 and 10:00 in the evening. But your company is so small that they’ve decided to go against what is considered common sense and have a midnight hit. It is your job to come up with the idea.

When watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the 20th time, you suddenly are hit with an idea. You look at your friends on the sofa with you and realize that many cult shows gain a loyal following. You decide then and there to create a show that will become a cult legend .You’ve seen how people love laughing at bad shows so you decide to create the worst show ever and bill it as such.

You turn off the tv and look at your friends. “Come on,” you say, “We’re going to design the worst television show ever.”



Team B

You work for a new, small television company that wants to break into the big time by having a hit. You realize that people expect the good shows to be on at 9:00 and 10:00 in the evening. But your company is so small that they’ve decided to go against what is considered common sense and have a midnight hit. It is your job to come up with the idea.

When watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the 20th time, you suddenly are hit with an idea. You look at your friends on the sofa with you and realize that many cult shows gain a loyal following. You decide then and there to create a show that will become a cult legend. you’ve seen how people love laughing at bad shows so you decide to create the worst show ever and bill it as such.

You turn off the tv and look at your friends. “Come on,” you say, “We’re going to design the worst television show ever.”

Additional Instructions

You decide to get ideas by having people write an idea on a sheet of paper and then hand it to the person on the rig ht. The person to the right then takes that idea and adds to it. This sheet is again handed to the person on the right. This is repeated until all ideas have made a complete circuit.

You then read the idea and then rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is a REALLY BAD show and 1 is a show that could make it in Prime Time. You again pass the sheet to your right and rate the next page. This is repeated until all group members have rated all ideas. Scores are totalled and the show with the highest number wins.

As a group, refine the winning show idea.


Team C
You work for a new, small television company that wants to break into the big time by having a hit. You realize that people expect the good shows to be on at 9:00 and 10:00 in the evening. But your company is so small that they’ve decided to go against what is considered common sense and have a midnight hit. It is your job to come up with the idea.

When watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the 20th time, you suddenly are hit with an idea. You look at your friends on the sofa with you and realize that many cult shows gain a loyal following. You decide then and there to create a show that will become a cult legend. you’ve seen how people love laughing at bad shows so you decide to create the worst show ever and bill it as such.

You turn off the tv and look at your friends. “Come on,” you say, “We’re going to design the worst television show ever.”

Additional Instructions

You decide to get ideas by having everyone give it their best shot and then vote on whose idea is best. You decide you’ll spend 30 minutes writing. Each person will then briefly describe his/her idea. After all ideas have been presented, you’ll vote on the best one.



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